Books Like A Match Made in Venice

Books Like A Match Made in Venice

 Italy is known for its food, fashion, and art, but it is also synonymous with romance for many readers. Italy is a popular setting for the romance genre, whether it's the picturesque backdrops, Mediterranean climate, or beautiful sunsets. For example, in A Match Made in Venice by Leonie Mack, a pragmatic, sensible, and resolute single woman is sent to Venice for work. Despite her determination not to be taken in by the romantic cliches, she falls for the tortured artist she's been tasked with commissioning for a glass centerpiece. For more romance novels that make the most of their Italian setting, check out the following books like A Match Made in Venice.

Juliet in Verona

By Alessia Saint


Juliet, the lead in Juliet in Verona by Alessia Saint, is an overthinker who makes the nerve-wracking decision to study abroad and live an entire semester in a different country. Juliet is unsure about her career path but hopes that her experiences in the city of Verona, Italy, will help her fall in love with the culture and the views and find her path as an Italian language teacher. The experience also enables Juliet to face her anxieties and follow her heart.

Love in the Ruins

By Josie Naclerio


Love in the Ruins by Josie Naclerio is the tale of Rebecca Walker and Gian Caravello. Rebecca is an archaeologist who is overjoyed at being granted the job of a lifetime and working in the ruins of Pompeii. Gian is a soldier who returns to his hometown in Italy after several years of fighting against terrorist insurgents overseas. He is weary of all the bloodshed and plans on seeing out his career with the Carabinieri. However, when Rebecca and Gian's paths cross, the attraction is mutual and only grows as they spend more time together. Unfortunately, their love is in peril thanks to a ghost from Gian's past who is intent on wreaking revenge.

My Fake Italian Marriage

By Romy Sommer


My Fake Italian Marriage by Romy Sommer sees British Banker Cleo Arense heading to Tuscany to oversee the operation of a family-run winery in which her firm has an investment. The owner of the winery had a stroke, which has placed the business in jeopardy. Assisting Cleo will be the owners' son, Luca Fioravanti, but she is determined not to fall for the cliche of being swept off her feet in Italy. Unfortunately for Cleo, a mix-up with hotel accommodations while attending a wine trade show sees her ending up in the same room as Luca and being identified as his wife. This rumor quickly spreads and reaches Luca's father, who the young man fears will be brokenhearted if he learns the truth. Fortunately, Cleo agrees to his request to pretend to be his wife to speed up his father's recovery, but what starts as a farce quickly blossoms into something greater. 

Finding Love In Florence

By Shanna Delaney


Finding Love in Florence is the first book in The Italian Bachelors series by Shanna Delaney. Samantha is a young woman who left art school to care for her grandmother. Unfortunately, after spending years planning a trip to Italy together, Samantha's grandmother passes away. Trying to pick up the pieces of her own life and dreams, Samantha makes the trip to Italy on her own, where she ends up at a bed & breakfast in Florence. Edo is a young man who has been summoned home after six years to take over the reins of the bed & breakfast run by his family. Edo has been dreading this most of his life, but when his mother pushes him to play tour guide to one of their guests named Samantha, he discovers that she's different from other tourists. As Samantha and Edo spend more time together, they both feel an attraction, but with the end of Samantha's vacation looming on the horizon, can romance really work?

Lizzie and Dante

By Mary Bly


Lizzie and Dante by Mary Bly is set on the sun-kissed island of Elba, which is located off the Italian coast. Lizzie Delford is a Shakespeare scholar who chooses Elba as her destination for one last lavish location after a difficult break-up and devastating medical diagnosis. Her best friend and his movie-star boyfriend accompany her, but Lizzie knows she has to make big decisions about her future. When she sneaks off to a public beach, she encounters Dante, a sardonic chef, and his twelve-year-old daughter, Etta. Dante agrees to show her the island's secrets while Etta, desperate for a mother, does her best to dazzle Lizzie with her irreverent humor. This leaves Lizzie with the moral dilemma of whether falling in love is right if time is short.

Big Trouble in Little Italy

By Nicole Sharp


Big Trouble in Little Italy is the first novel in The Simply Trouble Series by Nicole Sharp. Jessica Dodd is a thirty-two-year-old who bought her wedding dress and closed on a house with her fiance, Thomas, a trial lawyer. The only thing left to sort out is her divorce from a husband whom she married during a youthful indiscretion in Vegas years ago. After the drunken weekend, she never saw the guy again, but she still needs to get divorced if she wants to marry Thomas. However, when she discovers Thomas has been lying to her, Jessica follows him to Italy, where she lands up in a criminal investigation of him by the CIA. Complicating matters further is the fact that her "husband" is CIA agent Parker Salvatore, who has returned from a two-year assignment only to find his wife engaged to the enemy. So, to win her back, he must catch the bad guy and woo her again.



Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more