Manners and Rules of Good Society

Manners and Rules of Good Society
Or Solecisms to be Avoided


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Manners and Rules of Good Society by Anonymous







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Manners and Rules of Good Society
Or Solecisms to be Avoided


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quaintance of another person and expressed that wish to a mutual friend--the received rule is to consult the wishes of both persons on the subject before making the introduction.

* * * * *

=When a Difference of Rank= exists between two persons, it would be sufficient to ascertain the wishes of the person of highest rank alone.

A person about to make an introduction, should say to the one lady, but not in the hearing of the other, "Mrs. A----, may I introduce Mrs. B---- to you?" or some such formula, according to the degree of intimacy existing between herself and Mrs. A. (See "The Art of Conversing.")

When two ladies are of equal rank, the wishes of the person with whom the person making the introduction is least intimate should be consulted.

In the case of one person having expressed a wish to make the acquaintance of another, there remains but the wishes of one person to ascertain.

Acquiescence having been given, the introduction should be made.

In making an


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