Through Forest and Fire

Through Forest and Fire
Wild-Woods Series No. 1


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Through Forest and Fire by Lieutenant R. H. Jayne







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Through Forest and Fire
Wild-Woods Series No. 1


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Book Excerpt

rove his accent, while Nick, at the age of ten, spoke so accurately that his looks were all that showed he was the child of German parents.

"Did nopody gif you helps on der lessons?"

"Nobody at all."

"Dot is right; did you help anypodies?"

"Yes, sir,--three or four of the girls and some of the boys asked me to give them a lift--"

"Gif dem _vat_?"

"A lift--that is, I helped them."

"Dot ish all right, but don't let me hears dot nopody vos efer helping _you_; if I does--"

And taking his pipe from his mouth, Mr. Ribsam shook his head in a way which threatened dreadful things.

Then the old gentleman would continue smoking a while longer, and more than likely, just as Nick was in the midst of some intricate problem, he would suddenly pronounce his name. The boy would look up instantly, all attention.

"Hef you been into any fights mit nopodies to-day?"

"I have not, sir; I have not had any trouble like that for a long while."

"Dot is right--dot is right; but, Nick, if you does get


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