The Drum of Saccharine

The Drum of Saccharine


(1 Review)
The Drum of Saccharine by William Hope Hodgson





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The Drum of Saccharine


(1 Review)

Book Excerpt

to strength. I think the two of them are rather aghast at their own daring; they've been planning, all the way home, how they're going to get the "goods" through the Customs.

Mr. Armes mentioned to me the proposition he and the Second Mate had in mind. This was after they'd bought the stuff, and I told him it would not interfere with anything I was doing, and they could go ahead. Only, if the Customs dropped on the saccharine, they must own up and pay the fine themselves. For I was not going to have the ship fined.

This was on the bridge, and he grinned at me, warningly.

"Sst! Remember the man at the wheel, Sir!" he said.

The row they had to-day came about through Mr. Armes proposing to hide the st


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