The Job

The Job
An American Novel


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The Job by Sinclair Lewis







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The Job
An American Novel


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Shows with honesty and vision the struggle of a girl from a small town to find herself in the business world of New York. Some of the episodes of her unfortunate marriage may be considered too frank and sordid but they are not the main interest, while the whole story leaves one with more confidence in the women who are beginning to realize the possibilities of "the job."

Book Excerpt

the Panama Annual Chautauqua.

She could have a job selling dry-goods behind the counter in the Hub Store, but that meant loss of caste.

She could teach dancing--but she couldn't dance particularly well. And that was all that she could do.

She had tried to find work as office-woman for Dr. Mayberry, the dentist; in the office of the Panama Wood-Turning Company; in the post-office; as lofty enthroned cashier for the Hub Store; painting place-cards and making "fancy-work" for the Art Needlework Exchange.

The job behind the counter in the Hub Store was the only one offered her.

"If I were only a boy," sighed Una, "I could go to work in the hardware-store or on the railroad or anywhere, and not lose respectability. Oh, I hate being a woman."

§ 3

Una had been trying to persuade her father's old-time rival, Squire Updegraff, the real-estate and insurance man, that her experience with Captain Golden would make her a perfect treasure in the office. Sq


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