The Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed.

The Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed.
Including Some Notices of the Ancient Historical Tapestries


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The Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed. by active 1840-1883 Menzies Sutherland







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The Art of Needle-work, from the Earliest Ages, 3rd ed.
Including Some Notices of the Ancient Historical Tapestries


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Book Excerpt

she adorned the high-born maiden's bower what time the "deeds of knighthood" were "in solemn canto" told. In still more rich array, in kingly purple, in regal tissue, in royal magnificence, she stood within the altar's sacred pale; and her robes, rich in Tyrian dye, and glittering with Ophir's gold, swept the hallowed pavement. When battle aroused the land she inspirited the host. When the banner was unfurled she pointed to the device which sent its message home to every heart; she displayed the cipher on the hero's pennon which nerved him sooner to relinquish life than it; she entwined those initials in the scarf, the sight of which struck fresh ardour into his breast.

But she fell into disrepute, and was rejected from the halls of the noble. Still was she ever busy, ever occupied, and not only were her services freely given to all who required them, but given with such winning grace that she required but to be once known to be ever loved--so exquisitely did she adapt herself to the peculiarities of


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