Wolves of the Sea

Wolves of the Sea
Being a Tale of the Colonies from the Manuscript of One Geoffry Carlyle, Seaman, Narrating Certain Strange Adventures Which Befell Him Aboard the Pirate Craft ''Namur''


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Wolves of the Sea by Randall Parrish









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Wolves of the Sea
Being a Tale of the Colonies from the Manuscript of One Geoffry Carlyle, Seaman, Narrating Certain Strange Adventures Which Befell Him Aboard the Pirate Craft ''Namur''


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A pirate tale of the 17th century. The hero is the younger son of a house in Scotland. The heroine, Dorothy Fairfax of Virginia, the villain an English lord living as a pirate... There are decks slimy with the blood of cutlassed brutes, a lovely lady saved from a variety of horrors, and all the other appurtenances which will appeal to the large group of men and boys who like pirates.

Book Excerpt

on. The shuffling of feet, the rattling of chains, the harsh voices of the guard, made it impossible to distinguish any words passing between the two. I could only watch them, quickly assured that I had likewise attracted the girl's attention, and that her gaze occasionally sought mine. Then the guards came to me, and, with my limbs freed of fetters, I was passed down the steep ladder into the semi-darkness between decks, where we were to be confined. The haunting memory of her face accompanied me below, already so clearly defined as to be unforgettable.

It proved a dismal, crowded hole in which we were quartered like so many cattle, it being merely a small space forward, hastily boxed off by rough lumber, the sides and ends built up into tiers of bunks, the only ventilation and light furnished by the open hatch above. The place was clean enough, being newly fitted for the purpose, but was totally devoid of furnishings, the only concession to comfort visible was a handful of fresh straw in each bunk. The m


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