The Purple Cloud

The Purple Cloud


(1 Review)
The Purple Cloud by Matthew Phipps Shiel







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The Purple Cloud


(1 Review)
Sheil's free-flowing and persuasive style of writing produces a convincing portrait of Adam Jefferson -- a man who, upon returning alone from an expedition to the North Pole, learns that a world-wide catastrophe has left him the last man on Earth.

Book Excerpt

e will--'the man who first reached': and from this loose method of designating the person intended had immediately burst forth a prolonged heat of controversy in Europe and America as to whether or no the testator meant the Chief of the first expedition which reached: but it was finally decided, on the highest legal authority, that, in any case, the actual wording of the document held good: and that it was the individual, whatever his station in the expedition, whose foot first reached the 90th degree of north latitude, who would have title to the fortune.

At all events, the public ferment had risen, as I say, to a pitch of positive fever; and as to the Boreal in particular, the daily progress of her preparations was minutely discussed in the newspapers, everyone was an authority on her fitting, and she was in every mouth a bet, a hope, a jest, or a sneer: for now, at last, it was felt that success was probable. So this Mackay had an acutely interested audience, if a somewhat


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Plot bullets

What forces can be at work in a man's life.
One man is pulled by those forces: good, evil, black, white, love, hate, honor, self worth.
This same man becomes the last man on Earth.
All evidence reveals that The Purple Cloud depopulated the world.
Trapped at the North Pole, he escaped the cloud.
Can he escape the loneliness?

The third of the four notebooks concerning the visions
of a woman who saw the past and the future.
Book I - 'The Last Miracle'

Book II - 'The Lord of the Sea,'

Book III - 'The Purple Cloud'

Book IV - 'has been judged unsuitable to publication.'

Miranda Kate - Engaging Psychological Thrillers
FEATURED AUTHOR - Miranda started out life wanting to be a film director, but when directing people didn't work, she turned to words instead, finding them much easier to deal with – most days. Miranda has been featured in several Flash Fiction anthologies and ezines, and published several books, including three collections, four novels, and a novella. She writes across genres, which include Horror, Science Fiction Fantasy, Time Travel and Paranormal Fantasy, often mixing them together – the one constant being… Read more