
“No literature is richer than that of the sea. No story more enthralling, no tradition is more secure.” - Felix Riesenberg

The call of the ocean has been irresistible to mankind ever since we figured out how to build the means to explore its mysteries. The books in this section will enable you to experience all the trials, tribulations and adventures that the ocean has to offer, but without the risk of ever getting wet.

Editor's choice

Aaron Ryan - Post Apocalyptic Dystopian Alien Invasion Series
FEATURED AUTHOR - Aaron Ryan lives in Washington with his wife and two sons, along with Macy the dog, Winston the cat, and Merry & Pippin, the finches.  He is the author of the "Dissonance" series, several business books on multimedia production penned under a pseudonym, as well as a previous fictional novel, "The Omega Room."  Aaron has always had a passion for storytelling.  When he was in second grade, he was tasked with writing a creative assignment: a fictional book.