Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922

Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922
Official Organ of the United Amateur Press Association of America


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Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922 by H. P. Lovecraft







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Writings in the United Amateur, 1915-1922
Official Organ of the United Amateur Press Association of America


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Book Excerpt

English at the Appleton High School, Appleton, Wisconsin, and one of our very ablest members, took the first decisive step by organizing his pupils into an amateur press club, using the =United= to supplement his regular class-room work. The scholars were delighted, and many have acquired a love of good literature which will never leave them. Three or four, in particular, have become prominent in the affairs of the =United=. After demonstrating the success of his innovation, Mr. Moe described it in =The English Journal=, his article arousing much interest in educational circles, and being widely reprinted by other papers. In November, 1914, Mr. Moe addressed an assemblage of English teachers in Chicago, and there created so much enthusiasm for the =United=, that scores of instructors have subsequently joined our ranks, many of them forming school clubs on the model of the original club at Appleton. Here, then, is one definite destiny for our association: to assist the teaching of advanced English in the high


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