The Well of the Saints

The Well of the Saints
A Comedy in Three Acts


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The Well of the Saints by J. M. Synge





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The Well of the Saints
A Comedy in Three Acts


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Book Excerpt

the road.

MARY DOUL. You'd be as bad as the rest of them if you had your sight, and I did well, surely, not to marry a seeing man it's scores would have had me and welcome -- for the seeing is a queer lot, and you'd never know the thing they'd do. [A moment's pause.]

MARTIN DOUL -- [listening.] -- There's some one coming on the road.

MARY DOUL. Let you put the pith away out of their sight, or they'll be picking it out with the spying eyes they have, and saying it's rich we are, and not sparing us a thing at all.

[They bundle away the rushes. Timmy the smith comes in on left.]

MARTIN DOUL -- [with a begging voice.] -- Leave a bit of silver for blind Martin, your honour. Leave a bit of silver, or a penny copper itself, and we'll be praying the Lord to bless you and you going the way.

TIMMY -- [stopping before them.] -- And you letting on a while back you knew my step! [He sits down.]

MARTIN -- [with his natural voice.] -- I know it when Molly Byrne's walking in front, or when she's tw


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