Purrfect Swing

Purrfect Swing
Purrfect Swing
Nic Saint

When the wife of world-famous golf pro Carl Strauss asked Odelia to help her divorce her philandering husband, little did she suspect this would lead to big trouble with the law. A string of celebrity home burglaries put everyone on edge, and Gran vowed to catch the gang red-handed, especially after they broke into her favorite soap star’s house.


About the Author

Nic has a background in political science and before being struck by the writing bug worked odd jobs around the world (including but not limited to massage therapist in Mexico, gardener in Italy, restaurant manager in India, and Berlitz teacher in Belgium).

When he’s not writing he enjoys curling up with a good (comic) book, watching British crime dramas, French comedies or Nancy Meyers movies, sampling pastry (apple cake!), pasta and chocolate (preferably the dark variety), twisting himself into a pretzel doing morning yoga, going for a brisk walk, and spoiling his cats Ricky and Lily.

He lives with his wife (and aforementioned cats) in a small village smack dab in the middle of absolutely nowhere and is probably writing his next ‘Mysteries of Max’ book right now.