Where Memories Meet — Reclaiming my father after Alzheimer's

Where Memories Meet — Reclaiming my father after Alzheimer's
Christine M Grote
When all else is gone, "Love is all that matters." Where Memories Meet is two stories: a daughter's memoir of losing her father to Alzheimer's interwoven with a father's account of his life's defining moments. It is an insider's view of the physical and emotional toll Alzheimer's takes on a family. An unconventional story structure and timeline allow the author to move past memories of the heartbreak of her father's last years, and in effect, reclaim her father after Alzheimer's.

About the Author

Christine M. Grote began writing in 2007 after a brief career in chemical engineering, a much longer one as a full-time homemaker, and a return to college to earn a bachelor’s degree in English. In 2011 she published, Dancing in Heaven, a memoir about her sister Annie who was permanently and severely disabled at birth.

A believer in compassion and human potential, Christine primarily writes nonfiction in a desire to share human-interest stories that celebrate the good in humanity and life in general. In her writing she strives to provide testament to the basic intrinsic value of human life.

Christine hopes Where Memories Meet might help those who have not had personal experience with Alzheimer's to understand a little better. She hopes it may show those who have lost a loved one in this way that they are in the company of survivors.

The mother of four adult children, Christine lives in Cincinnati with her husband Mark and their dog Arthur.

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