by Daniel Lesueur
La Jeunesse de Madame de Longueville
by Victor Cousin
by Henry James
Famous Women Series
by Bella Duffy
by Edith Wharton
by George Washington Cable
by Honoré de Balzac
A Romance of 'The Beggar's Opera'
by Charles Edward Pearce
by Bennet Copplestone
by Fergus Hume
vol 1 e 2
by Pétrus Borel
Makers of History
by John S. C. Abbott
tome II: La Maréchale
by Edmond Lepelletier
Roman tiré de la Pièce de Mm. Victorien Sardou et Émile Moreau
by Edmond Lepelletier
Le Roi de Rome
by Edmond Lepelletier
by L. T. Meade
Introduction and notes by Edward Manley
by Erckmann-Chatrian
a story of motherlove
by Alexandre Bisson, J. W. McConaughy
Her experience and practice for nearly forty years
by Amelia Young, Madame Young
Brian Terenna - Fantasy That Takes Readers to Exciting, Unexpected Places
FEATURED AUTHOR - Brian Terenna is a dystopian, sci-fi, dark fantasy author. He grew up in a land of possibilities. He saw a path to all of them, but could only pick one. Now, he creates worlds, where fantasy is reality and reality is anything you make it. Brian has a strong preference for complex, mysterious, imaginative fiction, with intellectually powerful characters that achieve amazing feats. His favorite authors are Brandon Sanderson, Pierce Brown, Mark Lawrence, and Patrick Rothfuss. And loves dark… Read more