Famous Islands and Memorable Voyages

Famous Islands and Memorable Voyages


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Famous Islands and Memorable Voyages by Anonymous



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Famous Islands and Memorable Voyages


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Book Excerpt

the shepherds to their home, and to get help to bring off all who remained of the shipwrecked crew. On their way they questioned the shepherd, as well as they could, on the cause of his journey to the island.

"A strange reason was it, truly, my friends," answered the old man, "but my son can tell you better than I. Speak, my son."

The younger of the two oarsmen, a lad of about sixteen, answered bashfully: "It was a dream, strangers, that led our boat to that shore. My father had lost two heifers, white were they, with black stars on their forehead and there were none like them in the island where we dwell. Long did we seek our missing kine, and great was our sorrow when we found them not; but last night I dreamed that I saw them feeding upon this island, the cliffs of which we can sometimes see from our home. When I awakened I persuaded my father to take the boat and let us row to the island."

"We found not our heifers," said the old fisherman, smiling, "but, thank the good God, we found


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