Three Prize Essays on American Slavery

Three Prize Essays on American Slavery
Liberty or Slavery; the Great National Question


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Three Prize Essays on American Slavery by A. C. Baldwin, R. B. Thurston, Timothy Williston





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Three Prize Essays on American Slavery
Liberty or Slavery; the Great National Question


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The error and the duty in regard to slavery; Friendly letters to a christian slave-holder; Is american slavery an institution which christianity sanctions and will perpetuate.

Book Excerpt

e or any persons. It will, then, remain demonstrated, that the legal system of slavery exists utterly without warrant of the Holy Scriptures, and in defiance of the authority of the Creator. The word of God is throughout consistent.

It is here freely admitted, that God can arrest the operation of general laws by special statutes. He can take away from men the right to hold property which he has given, and, if he please, constitute them the property of other men. It is, in this respect, as it is with life. God can take what he gives. If, then, he has given authority to individuals or to nations to hold others as property, they may do so. Nay, more; if their commission is imperative, they must do so. But such an act of God creates an exception to his own fundamental law, and, like all exceptions, conveys its own restrictions, and proves the rule. It imposes no yoke, save upon those appointed to subjugation. It confers no authority, save upon those specifically invested with it. They are


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