The Life of a Ship from the Launch to the Wreck

The Life of a Ship from the Launch to the Wreck


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The Life of a Ship from the Launch to the Wreck by Robert Michael Ballantyne





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The Life of a Ship from the Launch to the Wreck


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Book Excerpt

, he heard his friend Ben Block conversing with a man in another hammock who had never been to sea before and was very, very sick.

"Oh! dear me," sighed the sick man, "where are we now?"

"Don't know," answered Ben; "we've been drove pretty far out of our course to the nor'ard, I guess. It's a dead calm."

"A dead what?" said the sick man faintly.

"Why, a dead calm," replied Ben. "When there's no wind it's a calm, and when there's no motion at all, either in the air or in the water, except the swell o' the sea, it's a dead calm. D'ye understand?"

"Is it fine weather, Ben?" cried Davy cheerfully.

"Yes, lad, it is," replied the sailor.

On hearing this Davy sprang, or, as the sailors call it, tumbled out of bed. He tried to get out of it; but not being used to hammocks, he was awkward and fell plump on the floor! However, he was not hurt; and throwing on his jacket, he ran up on deck.

Well might Davy's heart leap and his voice shout at the beautiful sight tha


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