The Mermaid's Prophecy

The Mermaid's Prophecy
and Other Songs Relating to Queen Dagmar


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The Mermaid's Prophecy by George Borrow







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The Mermaid's Prophecy
and Other Songs Relating to Queen Dagmar


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King Valdemar's wooing -- Queen Dagmar's arrival in Denmark -- The mermaid's prophecy -- Rosmer.

Book Excerpt

, I cast it out,

And that I trow full speedily."

But Rosmer shrieked and sprang about:

"Some Christian wight thon dost conceal,
And I will spit and burn thee, Dame,

Unless the truth thou dost reveal."

Then Ellenlile her mantle donned,

And went and stood by Rosmer's knee:
"O here's a swain from Iceland come,

And he's of nearest kin to me."

"If there's a swain from Iceland come,

And if he be thy kinsman near,
Then I to him will safety pledge,

No harm from me he need to fear."

When he two years in the sea had been,

Young Roland he would fain be gone;
For Ellenlile was now with child,

A deed of folly had been done.

When that perceived proud Ellenlile,

Near Rosmer King she took her stand:
"Now wilt thou give the stranger lad

Leave to return to his own land?"

"And if the swain for home doth long,

Then I will take him to the shore;
And I will give him silver and gold,


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