The Quest of Glory

The Quest of Glory


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The Quest of Glory by Marjorie Bowen





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The Quest of Glory


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A brilliant romance, quite different from any ordinary story of the French courts. It leaves the reader with a great tenderness for its baffled young glory-seeking hero, the Marquis de Vauvenargues, soldier, courtier, and philosopher.

Book Excerpt

eaver and entered the cathedral, followed softly by his companion. For a moment they stood motionless within the door, which slipped silently into place behind them.

The air was oppressive with the powerful perfume of strong incense, and yet even more bitterly cold than the outer night; the light was dim, flickering, rich, and luxurious, and came wholly from hanging lamps of yellow, blue, and red glass. In what appeared the extreme distance, the altar sparkled in the gleam of two huge candles of painted wax, and behind and about it showed green translucent, unsubstantial shapes of arches and pillars rising up and disappearing in the great darkness of the roof, which was as impenetrable as a starless heaven.

The church was bare of chair or pew or stool; the straight sweep of the nave was broken only by the dark outlines of princely tombs where lay the dust of former Bohemian kings and queens: their reclining figures so much above and beyond humanity, yet so startlingly like life, could be seen in


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