Under the Maples

Under the Maples


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Under the Maples by John Burroughs





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Under the Maples


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The falling leaves -- The pleasures of a naturalist -- The flight of birds -- Bird intimacies -- A midsummer idyl -- Near views of wild life -- With Roosevelt at Pine Knot -- A strenuous holiday -- Under genial skies -- A sheaf of nature notes -- Ruminations -- New gleanings in field and wood.

Book Excerpt

through the minute hairs on its rootlets, called fibrillæ, and the animal body absorbs its nutriment through analogous organs in the intestines, called lacteals.

Whitman's expression "the slumbering and liquid trees" often comes to my mind. They are the words of a poet who sees hidden relations and meanings everywhere. He knows how fluid and adaptive all animate nature is. The trees are wrapped in a kind of slumber in winter, and they are reservoirs of living currents in summer. If all living bodies came originally out of the sea, they brought a big dower of the sea with them. The human body is mainly a few pinches of earth salts held in solution by several gallons of water. The ashes of the living tree bulk small in comparison with the amount of water it holds. Yes, "the slumbering and liquid trees." They awaken from their slumber in the spring, the scales fall from their buds, the fountains within them are unsealed, and they again become streams of living energy, breaking into leaf and bloom an


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