Philo Gubb

Philo Gubb
Correspondence-School Detective


(2 Reviews)
Philo Gubb by Ellis Parker Butler







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Philo Gubb
Correspondence-School Detective


(2 Reviews)
The Hard-Boiled Egg -- The Pet -- The Eagle's Claws -- The Oubliette -- The Un-Burglars -- The Two-Cent Stamp -- The Chicken -- The Dragon's Eye -- The Progressive Murder -- The Missing Mr. Master -- Waffles and Mustard -- The Anonymous Wiggle -- The Half of a Thousand -- Dietz's 7462 Bessie John -- Henry -- Buried Bones -- Philo Gubb's Greatest Case

Book Excerpt

that all to once?" he said after a while. "If it hadn't been that I was so anxious, I might have fooled with that for weeks and weeks and not got anywheres with it. I do wisht you could be my capper a while anyway, until I could get one."

"I need all my time to study," said Mr. Gubb. "It ain't easy to learn deteckating by mail."

"Pshaw, now!" said Mr. Critz. "I'm real sorry! Maybe if I was to pay you for your time and trouble five dollars a night? How say?"

Mr. Gubb considered. "Well, I dunno!" he said slowly. "I sort of hate to take money for doin' a favor like that."

"Now, there ain't no need to feel that way," said Mr. Critz. "Your time's wuth somethin' to me--it's wuth a lot to me to get the hang of this gold-brick game. Once I get the hang of it, it won't be no trouble for me to sell gold-bricks like this one for all the way from a thousand dollars up. I paid fifteen hundred for this one myself, and got it cheap. That's a good profit, for this brick ain't wuth a cent over one

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Hilarious stories of Philo Gubb, Riverview, Iowa's greatest correspondence-school deteckative and wallpaper hanger. It might take you a couple of these stories to appreciate Gubb, and you won't want to read too many at a sitting, but these are very funny tales.
I enjoyed reading this collection of stories or cases solved by a graduate of a mail order detectives school (in twelve easy lessons).

It is a comedy, as the whole small town laughs at the detective's bad disguises. He buys them from the detective school. Mr. Gubb bungles along and solves all the cases.

His love interest is also very unusual, she is a performer in a freak show: The Fat Lady.