A Man to His Mate

A Man to His Mate


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A Man to His Mate by Joseph Allan Dunn





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A Man to His Mate


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A ship headed for the Arctic, a rivalry over the possession of a gold mine between an unscrupulous doctor and a blind Ajax of a sailor, a first class mutiny or two and then Peggy, the captain's daughter, and of course another rivalry--these affairs make a rattling sea yarn.

Book Excerpt

the natives found it, an' me in it, more dead than alive. Never mind the rest. I get here the day before you start back for more gold.

"An' I'm goin' with you. But first I'm goin' to have a full an' fair accountin' o' what you got already. I've got this young chap with me, an' he'll give me a hand to'ard a square deal."

Lund propelled Rainey forward a few steps and then loosened his grip. The captain of the Karluk appealed to him directly.

"You're with the Times," he said. All through the talk Rainey was conscious of the gaze of Doctor Carlsen, whose dark eyes appeared to be mocking the whole proceedings, looking on with the air of a man watching card-play with a prevision of how the game will come out.

"Mr. Lund is unstrung," said the captain. "He is under the delusion that we deliberately deserted him and, later, found the gold he speaks of. The first charge is nonsense. We did all that was possible in the frightful weather. We barely saved the ship.
