The People's Idea of God Its Effect On Health And Christianity

The People's Idea of God Its Effect On Health And Christianity


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The People's Idea of God Its Effect On Health And Christianity by Mary Baker Eddy







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The People's Idea of God Its Effect On Health And Christianity


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or diviner claims,--even the supremacy of Soul over sense, wherein man cooperates with and is made subject to his Maker. The lame, the blind, the sick, the sensual, are slaves, and their fetters are gnawing away life and hope; their chains are clasped by the false teachings, false theories, false fears, that enforce new forms of oppression, and are the modern Pharaohs that hold the children of Israel still in bondage. Mortals, alias mortal minds, make the laws that govern their bodies, as directly as men pass legislative acts and enact penal codes; while the body, obedient to the legislation of mind, but ignorant of the law of belief, calls its own enactments "laws of matter." The legislators who are greatly responsible for all the woes of mankind are those leaders of public thought who are mistaken in their methods of humanity.

The learned quacks of this period "bind heavy burdens," that they themselves will not touch "with one of their fingers." Scientific guessing conspires unwittingly agai


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