The Powder Monkey

The Powder Monkey


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The Powder Monkey by George Manville Fenn



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The Powder Monkey


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Book Excerpt

ed?" said Jack, after a good long stare at the biscuit-nibbler, as he called his companion.

"Because you're here," said the boy.

"Yes, I'm here, o' course," said Jack, staring hard as if puzzled. "I'm a-sitting close to yer; but that don't make no difference because I'm a pressed man."

"You'll take care of me and see that no one hurts me," said the boy, confidently.

"Oh, o' course," said Jack, scratching his head. "That is, while I'm here, but what's going to become of you when I'm gone?"

"Gone?" said the boy, sharply, as he left off eating. "You're not going away to leave me, are you?"

"Well, no," said Jack, grimly. "It's you who are going away to leave me."

"That I sha'n't," cried the boy, quickly. "I'll never go away from you. I like you."

"That's right," said Jack Jeens, grinning with satisfaction; "and of course I like you too, youngster. But they'll be setting you ashore soon, so that you can go back to your folk."

The boy shook his head.


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