Yussuf the Guide

Yussuf the Guide
The Mountain Bandits; Strange Adventure in Asia Minor


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Yussuf the Guide by George Manville Fenn





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Yussuf the Guide
The Mountain Bandits; Strange Adventure in Asia Minor


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"The narrative will take its readers into scenes that will have great novelty and attraction for them, and the experiences with the brigands will be especially delightful to boys."--Scotsman.

Book Excerpt

aid his cheek against the hand that had been smoothing his hair.

"No, Mr Burne, I don't think I'm ill," he said in a low voice. "I only feel as if I were so terribly weak and tired. I get too tired to read sometimes, and I never do anything at all to make me so."

"Hah!" ejaculated the lawyer.

"I thought it was the doctor come back," continued the lad. "I say, Mr Preston--you are my guardian, you know--is there any need for him to come? I am so tired of cod-liver oil."

"Yah!" ejaculated the lawyer; "it would tire anybody but a lamp."

He snorted this out, and then blew another blast upon his nose, which made some ornament upon the chimney-piece rattle.

"Doctor?" said the professor rather dreamily, as he sat down beside the patient. "I suppose he knows best. I did not know you were so ill, my boy."

"I'm not ill, sir."

"But they say you are, my lad. I was going abroad; but I heard that you were not so well, and--and I came up."

"I am very glad," said


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