Candy-Making Revolutionized

Candy-Making Revolutionized
Confectionery from Vegetables


(1 Review)
Candy-Making Revolutionized by Mary Elizabeth Hall







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Candy-Making Revolutionized
Confectionery from Vegetables


(1 Review)
Of cookery, candy-making is a branch which is entitled to more dignity than it ordinarily receives. Negatively and positively, the importance of sweets to the child can hardly be over-estimated. If he consumes a quantity of impure confectionery, his digestion will be ruined for life; how much of the confectionery bought is rankly impure it is well for the mother's peace of mind that she does not know! On the other hand, if the child is not given sweets, he is deprived of a food element of the greatest value to his development. And for the adult, the value of pure candy is too obvious to warrant comment.

Book Excerpt

ill contaminate another, until the whole boxful is unfit for use. If the sugar is properly applied, candied fruit, well packed, will keep for several weeks without injury.

Pack soft candies in layers separated by waxed papers backed by cardboard. Remember that the best-made confections will be unappetizing when presented or served unattractively.

In pulling taffies or other candies, corn starch may be put to good use. No definite rules can be given, because the temperature and the humidity of each pair of hands--to put the case euphemistically--are different. Each time the material is pulled, the candy-maker should dust her hands as lightly as possible with the corn starch. A moderate amount of it worked into the mass will do no harm, but care must be taken not to use so much that the candy becomes starchy. Moreover, a heavy coating of the starch does not protect the hands any more than does a light dusting.

While the candy is being pulled, it should be handled as little as possible. Let


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This curious 1912 cookbook on "nutritious" candymaking using vegetables as a base offers recipes for such confections as beet bonbons, tomato marshmallows and onion cold tablets. Most of the recipes seem quite workable, if you have the patience for old-fashioned candymaking at all. Hall rightfully advises that it takes practice. The main drawback is that Hall is not specific in quantities of flavorings and colorings, so you'll need to do some experimenting there. (Use the more intense flavorings and coloring made especially for confectionery — most craft stores carry them with the cake-decorating supplies —rather than the grocery-store variety.) She also calls for a few obsolete products, such as "bon-bon cream" and "coffee A" sugar. The bulk of the recipes begin with sweetened, flavored mashed potatoes, used in lieu of marzipan or fondant. However, there are also candies made from parsnips, carrots, corn, green beans, beets and tomatoes. There is also a section on nutrition, touting sugar as an energy food, good for grins. The Manybooks version doesn't include the illustrations, so I took a look at one on that did, and found that they are few and not especially helpful.