Cast Away in the Cold

Cast Away in the Cold
An Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner


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Cast Away in the Cold by Isaac Israel Hayes





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Cast Away in the Cold
An Old Man's Story of a Young Man's Adventures, as Related by Captain John Hardy, Mariner


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Book Excerpt

Jack, and they prudently gave up inquiring and bothering their heads about him; but they were glad to see him always, none the less.

The Captain was known as a great talker, and was always, in former years, brimful of stories of adventure to tell to any one he met during his short visits to the village,--any one, indeed, who would listen to him; and, in truth, everybody was glad to listen, he talked so well. Many and many a summer evening he spent seated on an old bench in front of the village inn, reciting tales of shipwrecks, and stories of the sea and land, to the wondering people. Of late years, however, he was not disposed to talk so much, and was not so often seen at his favorite haunt. "I'm getting too old," he would say, "to tarry from home after nightfall."

He had now grown to be fifty-nine years old, although he really looked much more aged, for he bore about him the marks of much hardship and privation. His hair was quite white, and fell in long silvery locks over his shoulders, whil


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