Literary Friends and Acquaintance

Literary Friends and Acquaintance
a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship


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Literary Friends and Acquaintance by William Dean Howells





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Literary Friends and Acquaintance
a Personal Retrospect of American Authorship


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Biographical -- My First Visit to New England -- First Impressions of Literary New York -- Roundabout to Boston -- Literary Boston As I Knew It -- Oliver Wendell Holmes -- The White Mr. Longfellow -- Studies of Lowell -- Cambridge Neighbors -- A Belated Guest -- My Mark Twain.

Book Excerpt

always going to do the greatest things in it, with an expectation of effect that never failed him. The things he actually did were none of them mean, or wanting in quality, and some of them are of a lasting charm that any one may feel who will turn to his poems; but no doubt many of them fell short of his hopes of them with the reader. It was fine to meet him when he was full of a new scheme; he talked of it with a single-hearted joy, and tried to make you see it of the same colors and proportions it wore to his eyes. He spared no toil to make it the perfect thing he dreamed it, and he was not discouraged by any disappointment he suffered with the critic or the public.

He was a tireless worker, and at last his health failed under his labors at the newspaper desk, beneath the midnight gas, when he should long have rested from such labors. I believe he was obliged to do them through one of those business fortuities which deform and embitter all our lives; but he was not the man to spare himself in any c


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