Sunny Slopes

Sunny Slopes
Prudence's Sisters


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Sunny Slopes by Ethel Hueston





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Sunny Slopes
Prudence's Sisters


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The story of two sisters of Prudence of the parsonage. Carol marries David Duke, a minister, and after a happy year in St. Louis they are obliged to go West for David's health. They bravely fight "T.B.'s" and bring much good cheer to the other health seekers. Connie, who works in a Chicago publishing house, brings fun and a romance into the story. Simple, a trifle sentimental, and popular.

Book Excerpt

I can hardly understand it. You remember when I insisted on studying stenography, Aunt Grace and Prue, yes, and all the rest of you, were properly shocked and horrified, and thought I ought to teach school because it is more ministerial. But I knew I should need the stenography in my writing, and father looked at me, and thought a while, and came right out on my side. And that settled it.

"Of course, when I wanted to cut college after my second year so I could get to work, father talked me out of it. But I am really convinced he was right that time, even though he wasn't on my side. But after I finished college, when they offered me the English Department in the High School in Mount Mark at seventy-five per, and when I insisted on coming down here to Centerville to take this stenographic job with Messrs. Nesbitt and Orchard, at eight a week, well, the serene atmosphere of our quiet home was decidedly murky for a while. I said I needed the experience, both stenographic and literary, and this was my opp


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