A Historic Sketch Lest We Forget Company E 26th Ohio Infantry

A Historic Sketch Lest We Forget Company E 26th Ohio Infantry


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A Historic Sketch Lest We Forget Company E 26th Ohio Infantry by Walden Kelly





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A Historic Sketch Lest We Forget Company E 26th Ohio Infantry


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Book Excerpt

furry of that musketry the word had to be passed along the line that our flank was exposed and we must retreat across the field. Gradually that line moved back to the road where all could see the line of gray already swinging across the open to our left. A hasty retreat was made to the fence on the opposite or west side of the field, where, with a promptness under fire never excelled, the regiment rallied and again opened on the enemy, which lasted but a few minutes, when reinforcements (a brigade from Sheridan's division), came rushing to our left. We recrossed the field, driving the enemy beyond our first position in the timber on the east side of the road, for hours without protection of any kind, at very close range. We had contended for the position of that road, and as the sun closed its gaze by passing behind the western hills we were masters of the situation. Over half of the company had fallen in two or three hours, desperate fighting, not as Greek meets Greek but as Americans meet Americans. Go vie


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