The Story of Nelson

The Story of Nelson
also ''The Grateful Indian'', ''The Boatswain's Son''


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The Story of Nelson by W. H. G. Kingston



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The Story of Nelson
also ''The Grateful Indian'', ''The Boatswain's Son''


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Lord Hood was commander-in-chief. The object of the attack was to co-operate with the patriot Corsicans, who, under their well-known gallant general Paoli, desired to liberate themselves from the yoke of France, then ruled by the tyrannical and cruel convention. The story of the struggles of Corsica to gain her independence is deeply interesting.

Book Excerpt

etables for many months, the same man came off to us with a full supply for several days, which I believe saved the lives of many poor fellows on board.

"Soon after this, while cruising off Boston, a squadron of four French line-of-battle ships and a frigate were seen from the masthead. They made sail in chase, but the captain knew well all the shoals and quicksands in those parts, and soon got into channels where the big ships were afraid to follow. The frigate, however, kept on her course, and when we saw this we hove to, to wait for her. We all looked forward with joy to a brush, but she did not like our appearance, and much to our disappointment, about she went and rejoined her consorts.

"I can't tell you all the things we did in the West Indies. At last we went home, and were paid off; and I remained on shore with my widowed mother till I heard that Captain Nelson had commissioned the `Boreas.' I went and joined him. He received me heartily, and away we sailed for the West


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