Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine

Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine


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Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine by Jean de La Fontaine



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Tales and Novels of J. de La Fontaine


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Book Excerpt

La Fontaine's life -- Preface -- Joconde -- The Cudgelled and Contented Cuckold -- The Husband Confessor -- The Cobbler -- The Peasant and His Angry Lord -- The Muleteer -- The Servant Girl Justified -- The Three Gossips' Wager -- The Old Man's Calendar -- The Avaricious Wife and Tricking Gallant -- The Jealous Husband -- The Gascon Punished -- The Princess Betrothed to the King of Garba -- The Magick Cup -- The Falcon -- The Little Dog -- The Eel Pie -- The Magnificent -- The Ephesian Matron -- Belphegor -- The Little Bell -- The Glutton -- The Two Friends -- The Country Justice Alice Sick -- The Kiss Returned -- Sister Jane -- An Imitation of Anacreon -- Another Imitation of Anacreon -- Preface To The Second Book -- Friar Philip's Geese -- Richard Minutolo -- The Monks of Catalonia -- The Cradle -- St. Julian's Prayer -- The Countryman Who Sought His Calf -- Hans Carvel's Ring -- The Hermit -- The Convent -- Gardener of Lamporechio -- The Mandrake -- The Rhemese -- The Amorous Courtesan -- Nicaise -- The Progress of Wit -- The Sick Abbess -- The Truckers -- The Case of Conscience -- The Devil of Pope-fig Island -- Feronde -- The Psalter -- King Candaules and the Doctor of Laws -- The Devil in Hell -- Neighbour Peter's Mare -- The Spectacles -- The Bucking Tub -- The Impossible Thing -- The Picture -- The Pack-Saddle -- The Ear-maker, and the Mould-mender -- The River Scamander -- The Confidant Without Knowing It, or the Stratagem -- The Clyster -- The Indiscreet Confession -- The Contract -- The Quid Pro Quo, or the Mistakes -- The Dress-maker -- The Gascon -- The Pitcher -- To Promise is One Thing, to Keep It, Another -- The Nightingale -- Epitaph of La Fontaine.


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