The Place of Honeymoons

The Place of Honeymoons


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The Place of Honeymoons by Harold MacGrath







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The Place of Honeymoons


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The story concerns the pursuit of a beautiful opera singer by a young, idle, clean-minded, extravagantly well-to-do American. Cortlandt, the young American hero, is a typical MacGrath creation. He is so rich that he cannot get rid of his money fast enough. No love-plot was ever more original. Clearly this is one of the best of MacGrath's stories.

Book Excerpt

ed a half-circle. There was Durand's; but Durand's on opera nights entertained many Americans, and he did not care to meet any of his compatriots to-night. So he turned down the Rue Royale, on the opposite side, and went into the Taverne Royale, where the patrons were not over particular in regard to the laws of fashion, and where certain ladies with light histories sought further adventures to add to their heptamerons. Now, Courtlandt thought neither of the one nor of the other. He desired isolation, safety from intrusion; and here, did he so signify, he could find it. Women gazed up at him and smiled, with interest as much as with invitation. He was brown from long exposure to the wind and the sun, that golden brown which is the gift of the sun-glitter on rocking seas. A traveler is generally indicated by this artistry of the sun, and once noted instantly creates a speculative interest. Even his light brown hair had faded at the temples, and straw-colored was the slender mustache, the ends of which had a ca


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