The Tower of Oblivion

The Tower of Oblivion


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The Tower of Oblivion by Oliver Onions





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The Tower of Oblivion


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An extravaganza based on the juvenating gland and its endless possibilities. The Boston Herald calls it "A novel of topsy-turviness in man's aging process, so original in its conception that it would be a pity to summarize it for you--written with distinction of manner as well as of matter."

Book Excerpt

l me what the other's about."

But at that moment she was claimed. Her next words came over her shoulder as, with a wisk of her ribboned ankles and another gale in the shake of feathers, she was off.

"Not now--another time. I shall be in fairly early this evening if you're staying in town. It's quite an interesting situation. And if you'll bring your Beautiful Bear to see me some time, I'll----"

I understood her to mean that in that case she would bring Mrs Hugo Bassett also.


I live out in Surrey, my car happened to be in dock, and I had my train to think of. As I walked slowly up the short street to the Strand I puzzled over Madge's words. Evidently she found some connection between that "first" novel, The Parthian Arrow, and Rose's own book, An Ape in Hell. Well, my ignorance could soon be remedied. There was a bookshop just round the corner, and I could be the possessor of a copy of Mrs Bassett's book in five minutes.

But suddenly, on the point


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