Believe You Me!

Believe You Me!


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Believe You Me! by Nina Wilcox Putnam







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Believe You Me!


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Believe You Me! says Marie La Tour and you're off in the mad whirl of her confidences, related in her breezy slang with not a little common sense and shrewd insight into human nature in general and in particular as it appears in the night life of New York. If every American boy is born with the possibility of being president some day, Marie proves that the American girl has the same chance to be as famous as Mrs. Vernon Castle and then some.

Book Excerpt

to, and so wouldn't let him say much. Then Jim got mad and bawled me out for breaking my rule and going on the party, and by the time we got to my place we wasn't speaking at all--not even good night or good-by forever!


FOR hours and hours after Ma got me to bed I just lay there thinking and aching and feeling all hot and ashamed and terribly lonesome, and with my career all ruined because of the Germans--to say nothing of having been obliged to become disengaged to Jim.

And then, just as I was nearly crazy wondering how I was to get my self-respect back, I got a swell idea. I would enlist! Ladies could. I remembered reading a piece in a newspaper some place about yeowomen or something. And as soon as I realized that I could serve Uncle Sam and help get even with that bird, Von Hoffman, and the Kaiser and the alligator, and lose my personal feelings in public service, I got the most wonderfully easy feeling round my heart and dropped right off to sleep. But when I woke up in the morni


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