The Carroll Girls

The Carroll Girls
or How the Sisters Helped


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The Carroll Girls by Mabel Quiller-Couch





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The Carroll Girls
or How the Sisters Helped


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There are four heroines,--Esther, Penelope, Angela, and Poppy Carroll,--and the book tells how they each 'helped.' A good story for half-grown girls.

Book Excerpt

All her usual melancholy apathy was thrown aside; her face was alight with pleasure, her eyes bright with excitement. Mrs. Carroll loved to be the bearer of startling news, to spring a surprise on people-- just as she loved to have a pleasant one sprung on herself. She adored excitement, and under its influence saw nothing but the one thing that appealed to her at the moment.

Now, after hastily scanning her husband's letter, she grasped the one fact that he thought she might come out to him very soon. What the change might mean to others, never occurred to her; that it might be for the worse, never entered her head. She saw simply a chance of a change, an escape from the monotony and sordidness of her present life. She would have a new outfit, and travel, and meet new people, and escape from that dreadful little cheap house and dull village, not to speak of other tiresome things which had been thrusting themselves on her attention for a long time, but had been put aside and aside for consideration 'som


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