Euthenics, the science of controllable environment

Euthenics, the science of controllable environment
A plea for better living conditions as a first step toward higher human efficiency


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Euthenics, the science of controllable environment by Ellen H. Richards







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Euthenics, the science of controllable environment
A plea for better living conditions as a first step toward higher human efficiency


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Book Excerpt

me an opportunity to put their education, their power of detailed work, and any initiative they may possess at the service of the State.

Faith, Hope, and Courage may be taken as the three potent watchwords of the New Crusade. There is a real contagion of ideas as well as of disease germs.


Individual effort is needed to improve individual conditions. Home and habits of living. Good habits pay in economy of time and force.

The hope is springing up in some minds that the entire problem of human regeneration will be much simplified when men shall have learned more fully the nature of their own lives, the nature of the physical world that environs them, and the interaction between this physical world and the spirit of man which is set to subdue it.

Prof. George E. Dawson, The Control of Life through Environment.

We create the evil as well as the good. Nature is impersonal. To an increasing degree


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