Washington's Masonic Correspondence

Washington's Masonic Correspondence
As Found among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress


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Washington's Masonic Correspondence by George Washington





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Washington's Masonic Correspondence
As Found among the Washington Papers in the Library of Congress


(2 Reviews)
Compiled from the original records, under the direction of the Committee on Library of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, with annotations.

Book Excerpt

ether I have yet seen or had in my possession any original letter or letters, in the hand writing of General Washington, addressed to any body of men denominating themselves Freemasons.

"In reply, I can only state that I have seen no letters from General Washington of the kind described in yours, nor received any communication on the subject, either verbal or written.[6]

"I am, Sir, "Very respectfully, "Your ob't servant, "JARED SPARKS."

How Sparks could have overlooked the numerous entries in the letter books whose numbers and folios are here quoted, also the drafts of replies in WASHINGTON's hand-writing and signed by him (copies of which are here given in this work), can only be accounted for by the fact that he must have been carried away by the political excitement of the day.

WASHINGTON's connection with the Masonic Fraternity has been exhaustively traced by Brother James M. Lamberton, Past Master of Perseverance Lodge, No. 21, in his address "WASHINGTON AS A FREEMASON," from


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A nice little book detailing some of the letters of correspondence between Washington and Masonic lodges in New England. It is a nice addition to the history of Washington that many do not know. Also in describing some of his travels to various states and cities in the new country one can see how the citizens of the new land held Washington in the highest esteem.
Supposedly this book provided author Dan Brown (The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, Tarzan's Discount Adventure) with much of the material for his upcoming super-blockbuster novel 'The Lost Code'. Brown acknowledges the research done by Julius F. Sachse on early American Masonic rituals and practices in the preface of his new book.

Some little known early American Masonic factoids:

*George Washington wore a propeller beanie to his inauguration ball and demanded both John Adams and Button Gwinette wear similar beanies. Propeller beanies were required attire by all Masons of that era.
*Patriot Nathan Hale, also a Mason, never ate any food that contained the letter 't' on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, or Fridays; a Masonic law.
*Aaron Burr, also a devout Mason, always wore two left shoes; this was to show his Masonic brothers his dedication to the Masonic tenet of 'Moderate Discomfort'.
*George Washington, himself, wrote the secret Masonic Chant of Valor:
"I hate England, I hate France; I hate someone's underpants."