When Shadows Die

When Shadows Die
A Sequel to Love's Bitterest Cup


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When Shadows Die by Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte Southworth







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When Shadows Die
A Sequel to Love's Bitterest Cup


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Fraught with destiny, the Civil War brought great changes and brought with misery final happiness to the Forces.

Book Excerpt

d from or of Angus Anglesea since the Washington detective had traced him to Canada, and there lost him.

Le privately and most earnestly hoped that the villain had got himself sent to some State prison for life, or, well, hanged--which the midshipman thought would have been even better. At least, however, the family he had wronged so deeply seemed now to be well rid of him. But Le expressed a strong wish that his uncle would return to Maryland in the spring and have Odalite entirely freed by the law from the bond, or rather, the shadow of the bond, that lay so heavily on her life, and on his.

"No doubt I could easily have Odalite set free from her nominal marriage with a villain, who was forced to leave her at the altar before the benediction had been given. But to do this, Le, I should have to take her home to Maryland, where you could not follow her for two or three years. So, what good could come of hurry? Besides, we are no longer molested by the villain Anglesea. Be thankful for that blessi


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