Life History of the Kangaroo Rat

Life History of the Kangaroo Rat


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Life History of the Kangaroo Rat by Charles Taylor Vorhies, Walter P. Taylor





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Life History of the Kangaroo Rat


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Book Excerpt

f 12 specimens from the type locality and points widely scattered through the range of spectabilis consist in minor modifications of the degree of coloration, length of white tip of tail, and length of white lateral tail stripes. In general the color pattern and characters are remarkably uniform. Young specimens, while exhibiting the color pattern and general color of adults, are conspicuously less brown, and more grayish.

There appears to be little variation in color with season. In the series at hand, most specimens taken during the fall, winter, and spring are very slightly browner than those of summer, suggesting that the fresh pelage following the fall molt is a little brighter than is the pelage after being worn all winter and into the following summer. But at most the difference is slight.


Upon separating the hairs of the middle region of the back about a third of the distance between the ears and the rump, one uncovers a prominent gland, elliptical in outline,


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