The Arabian Nights Entertainments

The Arabian Nights Entertainments
Volume 1, Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories, Told by the Sultaness of the Indies


(3 Reviews)
The Arabian Nights Entertainments by Anonymous







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The Arabian Nights Entertainments
Volume 1, Consisting of One Thousand and One Stories, Told by the Sultaness of the Indies


(3 Reviews)
There is no occasion to prepossess the reader with an opinion of the merit and beauty of the following work. There needs no more but to read it to satisfy any man, that hitherto nothing so fine of this nature has appeared in any language.What can be more ingenious than to compose such a prodigious quantity of pleasant stories, whose variety is surprising, and whose connexion is so wonderful? We know not the name of the author of so great a work; but probably it is not all done by one hand; for how can we suppose that one man alone could have invention enough to make so many fine things?

Book Excerpt

ts, they made such an impression upon his countenance, that the sultan could not but take notice of it, and said thus to himself: "What can be the matter with the king of Tartary, that he is so melancholy; has he any cause to complain of his reception? No, surely; I have received him as a brother whom I love, so that I can charge myself with no omission in that respect. Perhaps it grieves him to be at such a distance from his dominions, or from the queen, his wife: Alas! if that be the matter, I must forthwith give him the presents I designed for him, that he may return to Samarcande when he pleases.' Accordingly, next day Schahriar sent him a part of those presents, being the greatest rarities and the richest things that the Indies could afford. At the same time he endeavoured to divert his brother every day by new objects of pleasure, and the finest treats, which, instead of giving the king of Tartary any ease, did only increase his sorrow.

One day, Schahriar having appointed a great hunting-match, a


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An excellent translation which still glosses over some of the more risque portions of the book. Nevertheless, a great read and a superb collection of short stories.
Fabulous read; gives insight into the culture and religion of the time while delivering a labyrinth of gripping, ribald tales.