Agatha Webb

Agatha Webb


(4 Reviews)
Agatha Webb by Anna Katharine Green







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Agatha Webb


(4 Reviews)
As a convivial group leaves a dance one night a young man rushes by muttering "Thank God, this night of horror is over"... and soon therafter cries of "Murder!" alert the group that Agatha Webb has been stabbed to death!

Book Excerpt

u see. He has swallowed a glass of port, but that is all. The other glasses have had no wine in them, nor have the victuals been touched."

"Seats set for three and only one occupied," murmured Mr. Sutherland. "Strange! Could he have expected guests?"

"It looks like it. I didn't know that his wife allowed him such privileges; but she was always too good to him, and I fear has paid for it with her life."

"Nonsense! he never killed her. Had his love been anything short of the worship it was, he stood in too much awe of her to lift his hand against her, even in his most demented moments."

"I don't trust men of uncertain wits," returned the other. "You have not noticed everything that is to be seen in this room."

Mr. Sutherland, recalled to himself by these words, looked quickly about him. With the exception of the table and what was on and by it there was nothing else in the room. Naturally his glance returned to Philemon Webb.

"I don't see anything but this poor sleeping


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Excellent! This is the best Anna Katharine Green novel I've read. In retrospect, I can find some nits to pick, but while reading it, I found it so exciting that I stayed up all night to finish it first. A saintly woman is found stabbed, with her husband, a dementia victim, found asleep with blood on his sleeve; her housekeeper is dead, too. The reprobate son of the town's first citizen acts suspicious; his girlfriend is blackmailing him. Witnesses saw a strange, bearded old man. There's lots going on, and the solution is quite unexpected. (Unlikely, too, and a bit of a let down but the rest is so absorbing that it doesn't matter in the least.)
Very good mystery, although it’s difficult to believe anyone could be quite so saintly (and superstitious) as Agatha Webb. The tragic love story underlying the mystery lift it out of the ordinary whodunnit genre.
Really good mystery tale. Anna Katharine Green is often credited as the author who first popularized detective fiction. Arthur Conan Doyle went out of his way to meet her when he first toured the US. I have read about five of her books and they are a little hit and miss, with some a little too formulaic and predictable. Agatha Webb is masterful and engaging.