Bardelys the Magnificent

Bardelys the Magnificent


(5 Reviews)
Bardelys the Magnificent by Rafael Sabatini









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Bardelys the Magnificent


(5 Reviews)
An absorbing story of love and adventure in France of the early seventeenth century.

Book Excerpt

rmagnac or red Anjou? This was a Burgundy of which Monsieur le Marquis thought highly, and this a delicate Lombardy wine that His Majesty had oft commended. Or perhaps Monsieur de Chatellerault would prefer to taste the last vintage of Bardelys?

And so they plagued him and bewildered him until his choice was made; and even then a couple of them held themselves in readiness behind his chair to forestall his slightest want. Indeed, had he been the very King himself, no greater honour could we have shown him at the Hotel de Bardelys.

But the restraint that his coming had brought with it hung still upon the company, for Chatellerault was little loved, and his presence there was much as that of the skull at an Egyptian banquet.

For of all these fair-weather friends that sat about my table - amongst whom there were few that had not felt his power - I feared there might be scarcely one would have the grace to dissemble his contempt of the fallen favourite. That he was fallen, as much his words as what


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As is always the case with Sabatini, one of the most criminally underrated authors on Earth, this is an excellent historical fiction with a superb cast and a very interesting plot.

I hate spoilers, so I'll mention nothing about the story itself. Just download it and read the first couple of chapters. You'll be hooked. Trust me.

Happy reading.
The book was written in the first person with a cheerful and personal tone which makes it a pleasure to read. I enjoyed the how it reflected the language, formality, and discreet romance which draws you into the era the story is taking place in. This was the first I’ve read by Rafael Sabatini and it’s inspired me to read more of his works next. Loved
amazing brilliant story which i enjoyed.entertaining from start to finish,despite its lack of sexual scenes one could feel the love depicted in the story.
A very beautifully arranged story without the tragic touch which is usually always there in other history based stories. One enjoys the way the main character of Bradelys thinks, acts. Breifly, it was Nice.
The longer title of this book is "Bardelys the Magnificent; being an account of the strange wooing pursued by the Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol, marquis of Bardelys...'' - and strange account it is. One of Sabatini's earlier works the novel is an enjoyable read - and follows a usual formula of the author insofar that the main character, Sieur Marcel de Saint-Pol, a man of splendiferous honour pursues fortune and a woman of whom love grows as the adventure unfolds. In the current case Bardelys may be magnificent in his abilities to woo, to control men, to pursue valour etc but he is left severely wanting in the area of common sense and therefore (but for the moderating hand of fate) he continuously makes mistakes which would fell the normal man with regards truth and honour. Thus whilst lesser men who perhaps with rather more 'magnificence' in this area would act more carefully, Bardelys survives by chance and the privilege of nobility.