
An invitation to a group of kids to come and read stories to shelter cats, has literally changed the lives of both the children and the animals in a profound way.
Some authors are never completely satisfied with their work and, were it not for pressure from publishers and fans, could keep working on a book forever.
Writing a book is quite an achievement and most people would be proud to have their name listed as the author. However, there are a few authors who, for various reasons, decided not to use their own names on their books.
Although we all hoped that George R.R. Martin would publish The Winds of Winter before the new season of Game of Thrones begins, this was not meant to be.
Many authors use their imagination to pen tales that take the reader on a journey featuring people, places and objects not found in reality. From the deepest oceans to the furthest reaches of space, these books are filled with the weird and the wonderful.
Although not all libraries were created equal, they fulfil one very vital purpose: they bring books and culture to people all over the world. Here's a list of the weirdest, most wonderful libraries in the world.
Thanks to the imagination of skilled authors, even books set in the real world can be filled with mysteries and intrigue. However, some authors are not content with simply creating characters, but prefer to also re-imagine the world's that they inhabit.
Looking back at 2015, it was a great year in which we saw many new authors that show a lot of promise. A couple of debut novels hit the bestseller lists and we are hoping to see many more of these in 2016.
The preferred method of reading a book for many people is curled up on the sofa or in front of the fireplace with a hot cup of tea. Let's face it, for many readers having their nose stuck in a book is much more preferable than in a flower.