
The Darkest Gift

Len Handeland

This is the story of Jack, who struggles with his sexual identity and meets the elegant yet incredibly mysterious Laurent Richelieu. Has Jack's stroke of bad luck with men and women ended, or is it the beginning of a nightmare? The two begin their courtship—during that time, Jack encounters many horrifying experiences involving vampirism, paranormal experiences, and possible reincarnation.



Brent Reilly

The wild animal meat market in Wuhan just started its 3rd pandemic, except this virus fries neurons, turning people into mindless brain suckers. China acts decisively, after the contagion spreads worldwide. As kids’ brains rewire burnt synapses, the youngest children become the smartest zombies. Unlike dumb zombie adults, they’re dangerously zombie-ish.



Alan Aspinall

There is a serial killer stalking the streets of North London. His name is Derek, and already six have fallen to his blades. Driven by a sickness within his soul he hunts women, his intention, to wash away a past humiliation by drowning it in the blood of innocents, and now he has victim number seven within his sights. Her name is Lucy, and she is every bit his type.



Aj Saxsma

In 1980s middle America, a gay couple and their two children start fresh on a farm outside of town. Immediately cracks appear and the family unravels in this tense LGBTQ horror novel with the feel of an Ari Aster film.


The Uninvited Words, Volume 1

S Kovax

In his fantastic debut collection, S Kovax, will take you to an unforgettable adventure. Witness a goth girl’s battle against a malevolent apparition. Root for an ex-priest as he performs his infamous black rite to save a possessed boy. Experience sheer panic as a desperate husband searches for his missing wife in the wilderness. And much more.
