Hair Breadth Escapes

Hair Breadth Escapes
Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors and travelers in Japan, Cuba, East Indies, etc., etc.


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Hair Breadth Escapes by T. S. Arthur





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Hair Breadth Escapes
Perilous incidents in the lives of sailors and travelers in Japan, Cuba, East Indies, etc., etc.


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Book Excerpt

e strange vessel; he gave orders to have two boats manned with the bravest of his crew, which should attack the ship upon both sides at once, and commanded me to head the expedition. Such an order terrified me not a little.

"What," I cried, "must I fight thus shamefully with my countrymen. If I am taken prisoner what can I expect but the most shameful death. No, Senor, I can never obey your orders."

"Who are you," he answered fiercely, "who think yourself so much better than me and my men? Do we not expose ourselves to death every hour of the day? My vessel shall never be taken, for when I can no longer defend it I will blow it up. Obey me instantly or I will have you shot in the twinkling of an eye."

"Do it," I coolly rejoined, "I do not fear death, but I will never obey your orders."

"Well then," he cried furiously, "to death with him. Bandage his eyes. Five minutes respite only, and let three men aim at his head and three at his heart."

The pirates obeyed instantly, and I


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