Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century

Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
The Faith of Our Fathers


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Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century by G. MacLaren Brydon





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Religious Life of Virginia in the Seventeenth Century
The Faith of Our Fathers


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Book Excerpt

presents the following picture:

In the midst of the market-place, a store-house, a "Corps-du-Garde", and a pretty chapel, all which the Lord Governour ordered to be put in good repair. The chapel was in length sixty feet, in breadth twenty-four, and the Lord Governour had repaired it with a chancel of cedar and a communion table of black walnut; all the pews and pulpit were of cedar, with fair broad windows, also of cedar, to shut and open, as the weather shall occasion. The font was hewen hollow like a canoa, and there were two bells in the steeple at the west end. The Church was so cast as to be very light within, and the Lord Governour caused it to be kept passing sweet and trimmed up with divers flowers. There was a sexton in charge of the church, and every morning at the ringing of a bell by him, about ten o'clock, each man addressed himself to prayers, and so at four of the clock before supper. There was a sermon every Thursday and two sermons every Sunday, the two preachers taking their weekly t


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