Edmund Dulac’s Fairy-Book

Edmund Dulac’s Fairy-Book
Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations


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Edmund Dulac’s Fairy-Book by Edmund Dulac







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Edmund Dulac’s Fairy-Book
Fairy Tales of the Allied Nations


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SnegorotchkaThe Buried MoonWhite Caroline And Black CarolineThe Seven Conquerors Of The Queen Of The MississippiThe Serpent PrinceThe Hind Of The WoodIvan And The Chestnut HorseThe Queen Of The Many-Coloured BedchamberThe Blue BirdBashtchelik (Or, Real Steel)The Friar And The BoyThe Green SerpentUrashima TaroThe Fire BirdThe Story Of The Bird Feng

Book Excerpt

o as to show a light for people going home. She was troubled about it all, and said to herself, 'I'll just go down and see how matters stand.'

So, when the dark end of the month came round, she stepped down out of the sky, wrapped from head to foot in her black travelling cloak with the hood drawn over her bright golden hair. For a moment she stood at the edge of the marshes, looking this way and that. Everywhere, as far as she could see, was the dismal bog, with pools of black water, and gnarled, fantastic-looking snags sticking up here and there amid the dank growth of weeds and grasses. There was no light save the feeble glimmer of the stars reflected in the gloomy pools; but, upon the grass where she stood, a bright ring of moonlight shone from her feet beneath her cloak.

She saw this and drew her garments closer about her. It was cold, and she was trembling. She feared that vast expanse of bog and its evil creatures, but she was determined to face the matter out and see exactly how the thin


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