The Humors of Falconbridge

The Humors of Falconbridge
A Collection of Humorous and Every Day Scenes


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The Humors of Falconbridge by Falconbridge





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The Humors of Falconbridge
A Collection of Humorous and Every Day Scenes


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Book Excerpt

bsters, 236 The Fitzfaddles at Hull, 241 Putting me on a Platform! 247 The exorbitancy of Meanness, 251 "Taking down" a Sheriff, 252 Governor Mifflin's First Coal Fire, 257 Sure Cure, 261 Chasing a fugitive Subscriber, 262 Ambition, 266 Way the Women fixed the Tale-bearer, 267 Penalty of kissing your own Wife, 272 Mysteries and Miseries of Housekeeping, 274 Miseries of a Dandy, 279 A juvenile Joe Miller, 284 "Selling" a Landlord, 285 Scientific Labor, 288 Who was that poor Woman? 289 Infirmities of Nature, 293 Andrew Jackson and his Mother, 294 Snaking out Sturgeons, 299 Mixing Meanings--Mangling English, 301 Waking up the wrong Passenger, 302 Genius for Business, 306 Have you got any old Boots? 307 The Vagaries of Nature, 312 A general disquisition on "Hinges," 317 Miseries of Bachelorhood, 321 The Science of Diddling, 322 The re-union; Thanksgiving Story, 324 Cabbage vs. Men, 330 Wanted--A young Man from the Country, 331 Presence of Mind, 336 The Skipper's Schooner, 337 Philosophy of the Times, 340


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