Roy Blakeley

Roy Blakeley
His Story


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Roy Blakeley by Percy K. Fitzhugh





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Roy Blakeley
His Story


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Being the true narrative of his adventures and those of his troop on land and sea and in the mud--particularly in the mud. Taken from the Troop Book of the 1st Bridgeboro Troop B. S. A. and arranged by himself with the assistance of Pee-wee Harris and Roy Blakeley.

Book Excerpt

e-wee took them out to the Fraud car.

Well that's about all there was to it, and I guess nothing more would have happened, if I hadn't untied the cord and picked up the book that lay on top. It was a book about German history, princes and all that stuff, and I guess it wouldn't interest soldiers much. Just as I was running through it, I happened to notice a piece of paper between the leaves, which I guess the old gentleman put there for a book-mark. As soon as I picked it up and read it, I said, "Good night! Look at this," and I handed it to Mr. Ellsworth.

It said something about getting information to Hindenburg, and about how a certain German spy was in one of the American camps in France.

Mr. Ellsworth read it through two or three times, and then said, "Boys, this looks like a very serious matter. You said the old gentleman spoke broken English, Walter?"

That's the name he always called Pee-wee.

"Cracky," I said, "Pee-wee's kindly old gentleman is a German spy."


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